I herewith undertake the following individual liability declaration in my own name and in the name of all minors escorted by me:
1. Acceptance of Cyberjump GTC
I hereby confirm that I have reviewed, read, and I hereby accept the General Terms of Business of the Operator – CYBERJUMP RO S.R.L. – related to the Cyberjump Trampoline park.
2. Acceptance of Cyberjump house rules
I hereby confirm that I have reviewed, read, and I hereby accept the House Rules of Cyberjump Trampoline park. I hereby undertake to use the Cyberjump Trampoline park only in accordance with the House Rules and in accordance with its designation in line with my personal physical and mental abilities
3. Stable physical and mental status
With total awareness of my liability I hereby declare that I am not under influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotic drugs other mind-altering substances and that I do not suffer of any disease that would hinder me in the use of the park in accordance with its designation or that would cause disproportionate danger to me, third persons or to the Cyberjump Trampoline park.
Furthermore, I hereby declare that I have the physical and mental capacity required for the responsible use of the Cyberjump Trampoline park, in particular, I have the appropriate discipline, self-assessment and risk assessment.
4. Further use instructions on site
I acknowledge that some of the games & equipment may have additional instructions on site. I undertake to look out for, read and comply with such additional instructions.
5. Acknowledgement of dangers; use at own risk, bearing of damages
I am aware of the fact that the use of Cyberjump Trampoline park itself bears accident risks and bears increased accident risk in case I am overestimating my personal physical and mental abilities and thus do not use the park in accordance with its designation. I undertake to avoid any disproportionate danger. I undertake to report any actions of third parties causing disproportionate danger. I accept using the games & equipment at my own risk. I understand and accept that the liability of the operator of the Cyberjump Trampoline park may only arise in case the condition of the games & equipment does not meet the regulations pertaining to their safe and designated use. In particular, the operator is not liable for the actions of other visitors. I will report and reimburse any damages caused by me.
In view of the above, I hereby declare to irrevocably waive the right to any and all legal actions or claims against the operator or any of its employees in respect of injury, damage or death.
6. Observance of instructions
I undertake to observe the instructions given by the Cyberjump Trampoline team in written or oral form at any rate. I accept that in case of violation of the house rules or not following any of the instructions I may be expelled from the Cyberjump Trampoline park without any ticket fee reimbursement or other compensation.
7. Administration of claims
I have understood and accept that I am obligated to report any damage claims on one hand immediately on site (next to taking an accident minutes), on the other hand by determining and quantifying my claims within six months in writing, for liability insurance reasons.
The obligations resulting from this Declaration are deemed to be fully undertaken by me, and non-compliance with any provision of the House Rules shall be considered as a default on my behalf, thus CYBERJUMP RO S.R.L. being exempted from any and all liability.
I fully accept liability for the damages caused to third parties by personal default throughout the activities, thus CYBERJUMP RO S.R.L. being fully exempted from any and all liability.
This Declaration is valid for throughout the entire participation in the Cyberjump activities of carried out after its execution.